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Ben & Bridget | Edmonton, Alberta Engagement Session

I met Bridget about a year ago! I joined a Ukrainian dance group just over a year ago and she was already a part of the group. On the day of our shoot I think we were all a little worried about the weather. It was sprinkling a bit and at times it would snow. We didn't have any other option but to do it so we brought some umbrellas and crossed our fingers for it to stop. As soon as I got to the location it started raining pretty didn't lighten up. We got out there and shot our way through the wetness. In the end I think the photos turned out better than they would have if it would have been sunny! The rain made me think a little outside of the box and I think we got some pretty cute photos. Enjoy the rest of your engagement and I hope that you both will have the most wonderful wedding!

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